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Hey, my name is ATIX and it is My UniVerSe I am Graphic Designer, Film Producer, Musician, Web Developer and more ... I love to create something new and AwSome in all fields that i am currently in at the moment

For a past decade i am creating songs, developing web services, tweaking motion graphics and do whatever is on my mind ...

Beside that i am envolved with sience sTuff like mathematics, astrology, phisics, chemistry and technology systems like Azure, IBM, Google Cloud ...

I love to dance and feel free in everything i do. Also i belive in Everything that exists ... Such as Elfs, Gnomes, Fairies All kind of forces of nature, Miracles and more ...

On this site i provide a whole range of cool media elements to those who are really into quality media production

To make the project stand out from others, you need to use Creative & High Quality materials Collor correction, overlays, tiny elements, pallets, fonts and other things are making the overal feel of What your Up 2!

First of all Art Needs 2 be Expressive Media World is always evolving! and we need to be in front of the current standards for 5 steps ahead

Music Videos, Advertising, movies and cartoons is all about details and cool looking stuff .That is why i am always CreaTing Good Stuff that Looks, Feels & Suites to the Masters!

Creating something Special, something interesting, that is fully represents the services we provide for our customers

To do it the Cool Way! Any project needs to be ARTistic! it is important to feel the energy of all elements in you composition 2 express your passion and create Pure Art ! ! !

We are Story Tellers ... And story beggins with an Idea ... Which is than transforms in to a sketch which than becomes an actual project. And to tell a story we need to use the best materials that we have. Check out my Store

So, check out the products on this site and create something Incredible with it

Buy my Cool Goods
& Keep Making Great Stuff